Strelitzia Nicolai - Ø21cm - ↕80cm in Vibes blue pot

Sale price€76,95

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Strelitzia is a genus of tropical plants, also known as "Bird of Paradise Flowers" or "Bird of Paradise Plants." They are known for their striking and exotic appearance, with large and lush leaves and showy flowers that resemble the head and beak of a bird of paradise, hence the name. Strelitzias usually require a lot of light and warmth to grow and bloom well. They are loved for their ornamental value and are often used in landscaping and interior design. This plant adds a sense of adventure and luxury to any space, whether it is in your living room, office or garden. What makes this plant so unique is its enchanting flowers. They are like exotic birds dancing on their stems. Strelitzias need lots of bright, indirect light to thrive. Place the plant near an east, west, or south-facing window where it will receive several hours of indirect sunlight each day. They will tolerate some direct sunlight, but avoid intense midday sun. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out thoroughly before watering again. Strelitzia is not known to be toxic to humans, including children, but can cause problems if ingested. The plant may contain fibers and substances that can cause stomach irritation if parts of it are eaten.

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