Be surprised by luxury and elegance with our XL Bouquet luxury glam!
With this beautiful XL artificial bouquet you can enjoy colour and elegance in your home all year round. This bouquet can hardly be anything other than a showpiece in your home. The different types of flowers and vibrant colours make this bouquet unique. You can clearly see that it was put together by a real top florist. The 90 cm long bouquet adds a touch of luxury and cheerfulness to any room. It will look beautiful on your dining table, dresser, windowsill, dressing table or desk. Especially when you place the bouquet in one of our elegant vases!
High quality artificial flowers
The artificial flowers from Green boutiQ assure you of high quality. This means that they will still look beautiful in a few years. There is no maintenance required at all, which offers a lot of convenience. Due to the realistic appearance, the flowers are indistinguishable from real ones. You can enjoy the artificial flowers all year round, no matter what the season. Combine the bouquet with one of our beautiful vases for the perfect finishing touch. Don't wait any longer and enrich your interior with our artificial flowers!